Saturday, June 25, 2022

Interview with Director Charlotte Brown

Charlotte (Charli) Brown works varies from multiple genres (horror, thriller and drama). She is the President/CEO of "311Studio Productions, LLC", an independent production company that works in various multi-media projects including web series, movies, shorts and videos.



Q. Hello Charli, it’s a big pleasure to have you with us for this interview.
Congratulations on your ‘Best Horror’, ‘Best First Time Director’ and ‘Best Original Screenplay’ award at last April's edition of the “Rome International Movie Awards” (click HERE
). Your new movie is "Rise of the Accenniri": in a few words, what is it about?
A. The new film project "Rise of The Accenniri - Part I" is a three-part trilogy story. The story is set in between the First and Second Italian War. A little girl is locked in a closet by her mother to learn how to hide from the impending Army led by a ruthless War Dog. Terrified and scared of the dark, a Demon comforts her. The little girl asks the Demon to protect her family. In exchange, the little girl becomes a pawn in the battle of good versus evil.

Q. What can you tell us about the shoot as such, and the on-set atmosphere? Was it difficult to find the right collaborators and, above all, a cast who could translate your cinematographic vision into acting and images?
A. I find that any production creates an on-set atmosphere. Stress, interactions with the crew and actors, food (very important) and planned production somehow blend into a different type of magic. When the vibe starts, the vision comes alive.

Q. What got you into filmmaking in the first place, and did you receive any formal training on the subject?
A. I do not have any formal training. I started writing small stories (on 3x5 pads) and it snowballed into a cohesive story. I wanted to see the story come alive and become dimensional.

Q. What can you tell us about your filmwork prior to "Rise of The Accenniri"?
A. I filmed three shorts in different locations focusing on different points throughout the story. It was exciting and encouraging to see that the film shorts perform well on the film festival circuit.

Q. Any future projects you’d like to share? 
A. I am in pre-production for the pilot of my web series "Amoral Collective". After filming the pilot, we will film the remaining five episodes early next year. In the all, I will film the feature "Rise of The Accenniri - Part I".  I am writing the second movie "Rise of The Accenniri - Part II" right now.

Q. How would you describe yourself as a director?
A. I like to watch the actors bring the characters to life. I don’t restrict their vision but I make sure that what happens on page 7 connects to what happens on page 35 and 67. I like to have input for the Key crew because I believe a collaboration of experienced people  allows the project to appeal to different people.

Q. Directors (and indeed actors) who inspire you?
A. I don’t have a favorite Director or style of directing. I feel like storytelling is an art form that someone creates to have someone else to listen to the story. I feel a director’s journey to turn a story into a visual medium hopes that it will result in the audience’s appreciation.

Q. Your favourite movies? And of course, films you really deplore?
A. I have favorite movies that fit that category. "Music Box", "Constantine", "The Professional", "Boys of Brazil" are at the top of that list.

Q. Where can people see your work?
A. They can find me on Instagram (HERE). Pretty soon we will be releasing the vimeo links of our award-winning shorts and post the links on the IG.

Q. Thank you for this very inspiring interview, Charli. Here at the “Rome International Movie Awards” we look forward to seeing and appreciating your new film productions!
A. Thank you very much for allowing my project to be a part of the "Rome International Movie Awards". It is an honor to be selected.

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