Saturday, December 04, 2021


We are extremely proud to announce the winners for the July contest (in alphabetical order).

1. "For Hannah", by John Wesley Norton (USA)
2. "La Noche", by Jose Luis Acosta (USA)

1. "Spaceship", by Jorge G. Camarena (USA)

1. "I am God", by Riccardo Stopponi (Italy)
1. "Silent Hill Restless Dreams", by Colten Dietz (USA)

1. "Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician", by Jose Evangelista (USA)

1. "My Dolly", by Fabio Schifino (Italy)

1. "#lasciamiandare - La Preda", by Monica Marioni (Italy)

1. "Disappear", by Veronica Narang (USA)

1. "I am not beating you up - B side", by Andreia Albernaz (Portugal)

1. "La grande staffetta", by Francesco Mansutti, Vinicio Stefanello, Piergiorgio Grande (Italy)

1. "The Dark Hobby", by Paula Fouce (USA)

1. "Pandemic Stories", by Raphaello (USA)

1. "Arthur", by Nick Rusconi (Switzerland)
2. "Desnorteadas (Bewildered)", by Thiago Greco, Clara Drumond (Brazil)
3. "I do", by Nathalie Schmidt (USA)

1. "SF Veggies", by Kayla Banda, Christopher Reed (USA)

1. "Decimal", by Prakhar Gautam (India)
2. "
Unleash a Feeling", by Paco Mendez P. (Mexico)

1. "Arthur", by Nick Rusconi (Switzerland)
2. "Pandemic Stories", by Raphaello (USA)
3. "SF Veggies", by Kayla Banda, Christopher Reed (USA)

1. "Wear a Mask", by Becky Doyon (USA)

1. "Vuk", by Martin Del Carpio (USA) 

1. Elizabeth Bendelac, Eva Minemar, Nathalie Schmidt, Anne Terrail for "I do" (USA)
2. Suzette Brown, John Wesley Norton for "For Hannah" (USA)
3. Maria Bestard, Bernardo Maurovich, Jose Luis Acosta for "La Noche" (USA)

1. John Wesley Norton for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Jose Luis Acosta for "La Noche" (USA)
3. Colten Dietz for "Silent Hill Restless Dreams" (USA)

1. Jose Evangelista for "Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician" (USA)
2. Andreia Albernaz for "I am not beating you up – B side" (Portugal)

1. Shannon Brown for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Saul Lisazo for "La Noche" (USA)
3. Vic Mignogna for "Silent Hill Restless Dreams" (USA)

1. Carla Abruzzo for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Maria Bestar for "La Noche" (USA)

1. Bruce Speilbauer for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Gianni Franco for "My Dolly" (Italy)

1. Suzette Brown for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Carmen Gozz for "La Noche" (USA)
3. Antonella Ponziani for "
My Dolly" (Italy)

1. Alessandro Serafini for "My Dolly" (Italy)

1. Giulia Roberto for "My Dolly" (Italy)
2. Chloe Jo Rountree for "Spaceship" (USA)

1. Shannon Brown, Carla Abruzzo for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Maria Bestar, Carmen Gozz for "La Noche" (USA)

1. Veronica Narang, Michael Farez (Sweis), Nadine Jackson, Daniel Blunk, Samantha Kade for "Disappear" (USA)
2. Shannon Brown, Carla Abruzzo, Ric Morgan, Bruce Spielbauer, Suzette Brown for "For Hannah" (USA)
3. Maria Bestar, Saul Lisazo, Gisella Aboumrad, Carmen Gozz for "La Noche" (USA)

1. Douglas Monce for "Silent Hill Restless Dreams" (USA) 

1. Colten Dietz for "Silent Hill Restless Dreams" (USA)
2. Mengyao Mia Zhang for "Spaceship" (USA) 

1. Jacob Brown for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Guillermo Ursini for "La Noche" (USA)

1. Nick Coyle for "Disappear" (USA)
2. DC McAuliffe for "For Hannah" (USA)
3. Víctor Reyes for "La Noche" (USA)
4. Ortíz Portaz for "Unleash a Feeling" (Mexico)

1. "Master Speesa!", by Rosie Malek-Yonan, Monica Malek-Yonan (USA)
2. "The Promise", by Christopher J. Adams, Frank Mancuso (USA)

1. Jose Evangelista for "Case #3809 - The Eldritch Mortician" (USA)

1. Gary Taylor for "Disappear" (USA)

1. Gary Nocco for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Paola Nazzaro for "
My Dolly" (Italy)

1. Amy Sue Nahhas, Rita Mae Sylvester for "I do" (USA)
2. Danilo Valdes for "La Noche" (USA)"
3. Ursula Ferlini, Chiara Della Marca for "My Dolly" (Italy)

1. Sofia Buob for "Arthur" (Switzerland)

1. Crystal Forlano for "For Hannah" (USA)
2. Bernardo Maurovich for "La Noche" (USA)

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